Tips To Keep In Mind before Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

Tipstokeep Inmind Before Buying Refurbished Medical Equitment

Tips To Keep In Mind before Buying Refurbished Medical Equipment

Medical Equipment

Running a medical practice however big or small can be very expensive, as apart from your costly medical equipment, you have to manage costs regarding your staff and other overheads. The ideal solution to this problem is using Refurbished Medical Equipment.

Whether you are a first-time buyer or an experienced one, there are certain questions that you need to ask yourself before you commence the buying process. A few of them are:-

1. Capability: Is the company capable and experienced to handle your requirements? They should have the sufficiently experienced and trained biomedical engineers and technicians in their staff for proper installation and timely service of your device.
2. Different Refurbishment Processes: In this industry, there are certain jargons that you need to be aware of before you begin the buying process:

When the company says they sell “Reprocessed” equipment, they mean to say that their devices are checked to see if they meet original equipment manufacturer (OEM) standards. After the inspection, they are properly cleaned, thoroughly disinfected and sterilized. Only then they are delivered by the logistics team.

If the company mentions that they sell “Cosmetically Refurbished” equipment, it means that the biomedical engineers have tested the equipment according to the OEM specifications. Following that, they also sand, scrub and paint, and complete other aesthetic surface improvements before it is dispatched for delivery.

A company saying that they sell “Parts Refurbished” equipment mean that they have not tested the device to meet OEM specifications. But the biomedical engineers have replaced all the parts which were dysfunctional. After that, the unit is cosmetically refurbished before it leaves the warehouse.

Only “Fully Refurbished” equipment provides the ultimate satisfaction in these categories. In this case, the biomedical engineers replace all the major parts which seem to be not working properly and give the equipment a final cosmetic touch up so that it meets and exceeds OEM specifications.

3. Tools: The Company from whom you are going to buy should be having calibration tools to check the performance of the equipment during the refurbishing process and during servicing.

4. Delivery: One should also take into account how the delivery of the equipment done is. Sometimes when proper care is not taken, machines tend to be damaged on route delivery.

5. Warranty and Services: The buyer should inquire about the warranty offered by the seller if any and discuss the terms of services after the warranty is over. Also, ask about their turnaround time.

6. Consultation: Do they give sincere advice and suggestions regarding which equipment to buy?

When you are looking for a particular device, it is always a good idea to also check the company’s history and refurbishment process.

Here is Medinnova’s rigorous quality control process:

At Medinnova we have the highest qualified biomedical engineers and well-trained technicians looking after the refurbishing process, installation process and servicing. We only deal in “fully refurbished” products. We have the cutting edge tools in our facility to check the performances of the devices. We deliver all our machines in sealed wooden crates to minimize the risk of damage and we take utmost care of our logistics. We provide a One-Year Warranty from our end on all our refurbished products. After the warranty expires, we offer an Annual Maintenance Contract under which we take care of timely servicing of your equipment. We have a turnaround time of 24 to 48 hours in case of complaints. Our service engineer will be at the site within the stipulated time – this is our guarantee. We offer free consultations through our vastly experienced staff in the medical industry so that whether you are a first-time buyer and an experienced one, you can be guided by our equipment-specific knowledge.

Be wise while selecting Refurbished Medical Equipment!
Approach Medinnova Pvt. Ltd today! For more information call 9512106063/9925183191 or email us at

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