Key Considerations For MRI System Installation Site Requirements

Key Considerations For Mri System Installation Site Requirements

Key Considerations For MRI System Installation Site Requirements


The process of preparation for a clinical MRI installation and site selection certainly requires special considerations. From the foundation and structure to the effects of the structure on the uniformity of the magnetic field, there are numerous, complex factors involved. Here are some important things to be examined carefully:

  1. Site planning is the most important step. Remember, what happens to inside walls and outside walls, is critical to the image quality of the MRI system. Even moving metal objects, immediate traffic patterns, power lines along with various exterior elements can lead to major issues. You need to make sure that site planning and the space you have do not obstruct the MRI performance.
  2. It is advisable to study the magnetic shielding requirements for the MRI site and MRI machine. Only a knowledgeable and experienced MRI imaging construction specialist can perform this task well. A shielding professional knows how to get ideal images by administering shielding tests after the installation of the MRI.
  3. It is important to study all issues related to the exterior features or circumstances such as a nearby garage, underground power system, etc. There are specific HVAC requirements which should be taken into consideration.
  4. Needless to say, patient safety is an evident necessity. Experts have developed a plan for MRI facilities with patient safety as a priority. Such plans unveil the process through which a safe environment for patients and medical staff members can be created inside and outside the MRI room. This is also very important in terms of managing diagnostic imaging workflow.

Secure Specialist MRI Installation Site Assistance!

Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd. is one of the leading suppliers of refurbished medical equipments and provides Part of MRI Machine. It has a team of professionals who are skilled, experienced and knowledgeable enough to help you set up the complete MRI room which meets all your requirements. Medinnova has a pool of talent and well-established systems to facilitate a streamlined process of MRI suite planning. Call us on +91 6358 894 446 or send us an email at to seek assistance that you can rely on.

Being the reputable supplier for MRI systems, Medinnova team has gained considerable expertise in various aspects of site planning as well as installation. Take advantage of our expertise.

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