COVID 19 – Explore Possibility of Allevating Ventilator Machine Shortage With Anaesthesia System

Covid 19 Explore Possibility Of Allevating Ventilator Machine Shortage With Anaesthesia System

COVID 19 – Explore Possibility of Allevating Ventilator Machine Shortage With Anaesthesia System

Anesthesia, Ventilators

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, the healthcare fraternity is concerned about the shortage of personal protective equipments as well as ventilator systems. In order to compensate for the lack of Ventilator systems, medical practitioners have started to convert Anaesthesia machines into breathing machines.

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a higher demand for ventilator machine. The number of ICU ventilators needed to treat patients infected by the virus is increasing massively. Fulfilling this critical demand is sometimes above the capability of healthcare fraternity. There is a shortage of Ventilator systems felt everywhere. In these circumstances, alternative options can work best. Many healthcare professionals have advocated the practice of using Draeger Anaesthesia devices for long-term Ventilation as an alternative if ICU ventilators are not enough to treat critical patients. Anaesthesia machines can help alleviate the Ventilator shortage.

A Possible Way An Anaesthesia Machine Can Replace Ventilator System

An anaesthesia machine is a medical device that delivers a mix of Oxygen and anaesthesia gases to patients. It also monitors pulse rate, blood pressure and temperature of patients. Anaesthesia machines can be converted to Ventilator systems with some simple modifications such as the removal of anaesthetic gas vaporisers, addition of a heat and humidity exchange, etc. Only a certified Anaesthesia professional shall assist in setting up the machine to make it work as a Ventilator. Experienced and knowledgeable professionals should be available at all times to facilitate safe use of Anaesthesia machine and its optimized function. Thus, Anaesthesia machines can provide life-sustaining ventilation which becomes a crucial support with the outbreak of the Corona Virus.

Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd. specializes in providing a wide range of refurbished medical equipments in India. It serves as a strong support system to the healthcare fraternity by meeting their medical equipment needs especially when the world is battling the deadly viruses and diseases. Medinnova system, one of the most trusted and well-known refurbished medical suppliers in India, offers high-quality, refurbished Drager Anaesthesia and Ventilator machines. To explore more details about the refurbished anaesthesia machines for sale, call our Sales Team today at +91-9099080947 or send us an email at

Have an insightful discourse with the leading medical equipment company in India and let us help you to meet your medical equipment needs as equipments have not been so much in demand ever than now.


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