The growth within healthcare industry has been progressive in India. The past 10 years specially has seen a uptrend in every metric in all sectors within Healthcare. The influencing aspect of the growth has been the fact a simultaneous growth in awareness equally supported by development in its infrastructure and its ancillary services.
A decade back healthcare industry was not structured to include many of the ancillary services that is being included today. Beyond the pharma and biotechs, bio meds and medical supply companies got little affluence or influence within the industry or marketplace. At best it seemed very fragmented without much protocols and procedures to support it. This led to the implementation of procedural rules and compliances extremely difficult as many of these ancillary groups did not seem to know under what purview it existed or reported to. Hence many of the regulatory clauses that were enacted did not bring certain groups under its charter nor was it clear if they were bound by such regulations and protocols. These inconsistencies and lack of adaptabilities played into the fact that India though ahead in the academic awareness in healthcare was way behind in its applications and fulfillment as per the global developed standards.
With globalization and standardization of many of the healthcare procedure, protocols and application, there has been a rushed need to bring all sphere of healthcare verticals within some kind of protocol and discipline .All the industries within healthcare from pharma, medical service providers, medical supply companies and consulting companies are required to follow a uniform code that necessitates compliance and certifications.
The growth of medical supply companies has been exponential to say the least. With the growing numbers of local players in manufacturing and refurbishment, there also has been an increase in foreign medical supply companies vying a piece of the market in the world’s best emerging markets “India”!!!. The medical supply company’s growth has also shown some metamorphic growth with increasing demands in newer high range equipments, high range refurbished equipments, parts, servicing companies and also companies providing awareness and information in key areas of safety and training.
This growth has been good for the economy but most importantly it has brought the system in the mix of the global healthcare platform. This has helped the industry to collaborate, affiliate and provide best services for its audience internally all the while pushing its agenda to the global audience as well. Though the future looks good, the present will need to be tamed in a disciplined manner to establish a good benchmark for the upcoming years.
Medinnova Systems Pvt Ltd a company in the forefront of the global medical equipment industry takes pride in introducing various international compliance awareness and its knowledge application to the Indian healthcare industry and all the while catering to the rising demand in all spheres of the medical equipment market. Along with delivering quality to its customers, providing awareness, information, good after sale services and best practical technical training for handlers is the key cornerstone of Medinnova’s USP.
We at Medinnova Systems Pvt Ltd are excited for this growth story as we do have a small part to play and be a part of a big change!!! Call us at +91-2667-264737 or email us for more info.