Disinfection Process Of PB 840 Ventilator – Explained & Elaborated

Disinfection Process Of Pb840 Ventilator

Disinfection Process Of PB 840 Ventilator – Explained & Elaborated


The Puritan Bennett 840 ventilator system provides a solid foundation for healthcare treatment as it offers tremendous benefits such as advanced technology, easy upgrades, enhanced non-invasive ventilation, data integration, effective communication and low cost of ownership. Such critical medical equipment play a significant role in facilitating the best healthcare. Hence, they need to undergo a carefully-crafted and thoroughly-supervised process of disinfection and sterilization so that they do not become the reason for human fatality.

Procedure to Clean, Disinfect and Sterilize Parts

Ventilator Exterior – Wipe it with a damp cloth and mild soap solution. You can use some chemicals from mild dishwashing detergent, Bleach, Hydrogen Peroxide to Amphyl. It is now advisable to use pressurized air to dry or clean the ventilator system.

Expiratory And Inspiratory Bacteria Filters – Autoclave method can be used for reusable filters. You can simply discard for single-patient use filters.

Compressor Inlet Filter – Clean it every 250 hours by washing it in the mild soap solution. You can then rinse and dry it. If the filter element is torn or damaged, replace it.

Drain Bag, Tubing And Clamp – When you change the patient circuit, discard the drain bag. Clean and autoclave the reusable tubing.

Couplings and Connectors – Autoclave, disinfection or pasteurization are some of the methods that can be attempted.

Expiratory Collector Vial – Reusable expiratory filter assembly should be cleaned and then undergo autoclave. Single-patient use expiratory filter must be discarded immediately.

Patient Circuit Tubing – After disassembling, it should undergo autoclave, pasteurization or infection process.

Disinfection and Sterilization Procedure

Autoclave Sterilization – Steam autoclaving can be utilized for effective sterilization. It is advisable to follow the instructions of steam sterilizer manufacturer.


  1. Disassemble the components.
  2. Clean the component parts.
  3. Wrap each part in muslin paper for autoclaving.
  4. Place the wrapped parts in the steam autoclave and sterilize.
  5. Inspect the sterilized parts for damage. If you detect any damage, discard the component part.
  6. Reassemble the component.
  7. Install the component on the ventilator.
  8. Run SST.

Pasteurization – You can place all the parts in the heat pasteurizer at 76 to 79 degrees C, for about thirty minutes.


  1. Dissemble the component.
  2. Clean the component parts.
  3. Place the parts in the heat pasteurizer to pasteurize.
  4. Inspect the parts for damage.
  5. Reassemble the component.
  6. Install the component on the ventilator.
  7. Run SST.

Chemical Disinfection – One should immerse the parts in disinfectant and follow manufacturer’s instructions. Accepted disinfectants typically include Ammonia, Amphyl, Bleach, Cavicide, Control III, Isopropyl Alcohol, etc. It must be noted that the exposure of the parts to more concentrated disinfectant or excessive time may shorten the product’s life.


  1. Disassemble the component.
  2. Clean the component parts.
  3. Place all parts in the cleaning solution to disinfect.
  4. Inspect the disinfected parts for damage. In case you detect damage, discard the component.
  5. Reassemble the component.
  6. Install the component on the ventilator.
  7. Run SST.

It is advisable to rinse and dry parts thoroughly prior to autoclave sterilization or pasteurization to prevent the occurrence of spots and blemishes on the parts which are exposed to elevated temperatures.

Medinnova Systems Pvt. Ltd. is a widely recognized and trusted healthcare partner. It offers a wide range of technologically-advanced, feature-rich and highly functional refurbished medical equipments. Its team of Biomedical Engineers provide an immense level of support in facilitating optimal use of medical equipments by working hand-in-hand with healthcare facilities. Call its sales team today at +91-9512106062 or send an email at service@medinnovasystems.com.

Source: Service Manual of Puritan Bennett 840 Ventilator

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